19 March 2015

There was an issue created for project generator, to eliminate specific settings in the records. There are various settings, different for each tool, and I wanted to cover 100 percent of each tool, without implementing a specific method for each one.

I started looking at how to make it easier for any project to use project_generator. It started by defining new boards definitions, which I described a month ago here on my page. The idea I started with was to create init command, which would generate a record for a project. It is time consuming to write all by typing, each file plus folders. This init command opened a new ways how to make it simplier, why not to include entire folder of sources?

There will be 4 main commands - init , export , list and clean. It used to be everything under the export. Here’s the help printed:

usage: project_generator-script.py [-h] [-v] [-q] [--version]
                                   {init,export,list,clean} ...

positional arguments:
    init                Create a project record
    export              Export a project record
    list                List all projects
    clean               Clean generated projects

Init creates a record for selected folder. I have been testing it with a sample baremetal demo I created for twr-k20 gcc. I had to write my own makefile to be able to compile and link it. This time all it is needed, to run project_generator init project_folder, create projects.yaml file to include this project record. And exporting should be possible, as project_generator -p twr-k20 -t make_gcc_arm.

This is how the simple project record looks like:

  - twr-k20
  - \gpio_demo_twrk20d72
  - \gpio_demo_twrk20d72\common
  - \gpio_demo_twrk20d72\cpu
  - \gpio_demo_twrk20d72\cpu\headers
  - \gpio_demo_twrk20d72\k20x256_flash.ld
  - \gpio_demo_twrk20d72
  - \gpio_demo_twrk20d72\cpu

There’s currently open a pull request, I am testing and trying to improve things. It should land soon.

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