10 April 2013

I planned to check more information about compilation assertion in C. How to check for size errors, alignments during compilation phase? The answer is compilation assertion which declares a variable which causes compilation error if the condition is true. Here are "simplest" one:

Checking sizeof at compile time [scaryreasoner.wordpress.com]
This article provides explanation of BUILD_BUG_ON macro which is used in linux for example. It can't be used in global scope because it's a statement.

Catching errors early with compile-time assertions [embedded.com]
Dan Saks article which solves the global scope problem with previous one,

#define compile_time_assert(cond, msg) \
typedef char msg[(cond) ? 1 : -1]

Even though message is not shown in some IDEs, at least code line is thus it's easy to decipher it from the msg parameter why it caused an error.

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